Otsego Township Hall’s lower level is available for rent on the weekends year-round with special rates for residents (must reside within Otsego Township) and non-residents (any person, organization, or group not located within township boundaries).The hall may host up to 85 people and is equipped with: a full kitchen [including an electric stove, double sink, refrigerator, microwave, coffee pots (100-cup, 30 cup, and 12 cup)], two restrooms, 40 folding chairs, 30 stacking chairs, 13 tables (five 8 ft. tables, six 6 ft. tables, two 5 ft. tables), with central air conditioning. Room is “L-shaped” measuring 15’x48’ (720 sq. ft.) and 17’x12’ (204 sq. ft). Dishes, trash bags, cutlery, vacuum, mop, paper towel, etc. are in the closet. Renter furnishes all other supplies.
Security deposit and Rental Fee shall be paid in full at the time of reservation by separate checks or cash and prior to receiving the key. All rentals are on a “first come, first served” basis upon receipt of payment of Rental Fee and Security Deposit. Reservations may be made within one year of reservation date. The key must be picked up on Thursday before 4pm. We are not open on Fridays. Preparation/setup may begin at 4pm on Thursday. The reservation time includes all activities and clean up. Refund of rental fees due to cancellation is at the board’s discretion.
For more information, please review the Hall Rental Policy. Hall Rental availability is viewable on our Calendar.