Miscellaneous recycling of electronics, household waste, appliances, cardboard, metal, polystyrene (also known as styrofoam), and more is available during Allegan County Resource Recovery Recycling events and at Broken Arrow which is Otsego Township’s recycling depot. You will need to visit the township office to pick up a resource recovery card to drop off the following at Broken Arrow: TV (limit 1), monitor (limit), tires (limit 4), and/or certain appliances (limit 2). For additional items, please call Broken Arrow to confirm the items you wish to recycle and their open hours: 269-673-2062. Broken Arrow is located at 1100 Lincoln Road, Allegan, Michigan. Please also see links below for more information.
To inquire please pick up your Resource Recovery card at the township office. Other events will be posted as they are announced.
Used Motor Oil
Call Little Pines Service, 131 East Allegan Street, Otsego 269-692-3233, or Auto Zone, 1380 M-89, Otsego, 269-692-2868 to check their hours for dropping off used motor oil. Don’t mix other wastes with oil.