Otsego Township

PO Box 257 | 400 N. 16th St., Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | info@otsegotownship.org

Otsego Township Office is open from 8 am to 4 pm on Mondays through Thursdays and is closed on federal holidays.

The Otsego Township Board

Meets the second Monday of the month at 7pm at the Township Hall.
Members of the board include: Supervisor Bryan Winn, Clerk Jen Colin, Treasurer Carrie Lunarde-Alexander and Trustees Karen Burns, Michael Gudith, Lori Bumgart, and Rick Moll.

The Planning Commission

Meets the first Monday of the month at 7pm as needed at the Township Hall.
Members of the commission include: Michelle Morton, Roger Rumble, Jeff Polonowski, Andy Webb, Scott Reising, Mike Bosch, Noah Boyd, Brad Ade and trustee Karen Burns.

The Zoning Board of Appeals

Meets as needed. Members of the board include:  Tom Burns, Chet Vanderploeg, Jeff Polonowski, Zana Williams and trustee Rick Moll.

The Annual Meeting and Budget Public Hearings

Meeting Minutes are viewable in PDF format on our Board Page.